Corporate Executive Governance in Romeu: a Case of Successful Organizational Transformation


The Romeu Group is the leading Spanish holding company for international freight logistics. With more than 150 years of history and more than 2,000 professionals dedicated to service excellence and organised around seven business areas, the Romeu family, whose members are at the forefront of the business, still holds the entire shareholding.

As consultants specialized in organizational transformation with a consolidated track record working with agile methodologies, we approach the challenge with a holistic approach to design a new governance model that reflects Romeu's operational reality and strategic needs.


From people to responsibilities

The biggest challenge in Romeu’s organizational transformation process was to move from a corporate governance exercise centred on the Executive Committee to an executive governance model based on corporate responsibilities.

We started the project by painting a stakeholder map of the organization that allowed us to grasp the complexity of its structure and visualize the main strategic lines of the group. 

Through several workshops with senior management team, we identified the responsibilities of the Board of Directors and the Management Committee respectively, to see how they relate to each other and map gaps and frictions. 

Once this exercise had been completed, the most ambitious challenge came: to disconnect these goals from the people who had traditionally assumed them and to understand them as corporate responsibilities. 

Inspired by decentralized models like those of the Sociocracy, which allowed us to think outside the box, we brought together all of Romeu’s corporate responsibilities and arranged them according to cadences (monthly, quarterly, yearly, “on demand”), domains and chapters. This allows us to redefine where to focus, eliminate overlaps and establish driving profiles that drive initiatives and permeate the rest of the business verticals.


This process of organizational transformation has crystallized into a new Corporate Executive Governance model that goes beyond silos to focus on the corporate responsibilities of the group.

In addition, we designed a methodology that allows us to model this governance system as Romeu's ambition, strategic needs and operational reality change. 

The result is an adaptable model that makes corporate governance more efficient and, at the same time, empowers the entire network of stakeholders in the organization.

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